‘Paradise FOUNDry’ one of the 7 best videos selected for the international competition Short On Work 2014
The short Paradise Foundry , directed by Wilma Massucco , is one of the seven videos (among almost 200 submitted) selected for the international competition Short On Work 2014 . The best videos will be awarded on Friday 12th December 2014 during the international seminar ‘Watching work: an interdisciplinary approach’. Address: Largo Marco Biagi n. 10 Modena, Italy.
La Vita Non Perde Valore: the powerful educational model by Father Berton studied at the University La Bicocca of Milan
The documentary La Vita non perde valore/Life Does Not Lose Its Value subject of a thesis at the prestigious University La Bicocca of Milan (Italy), Degree in Science education
The thesis, based on the analysis of Father Giuseppe Berton‘s educational model and its role in post-conflict contexts, is titled A laboratory for the rehabilitation of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone (author: Sara Pauselli, Prof. Mariangela Giusti – A.A. 2012/2013).
Child Soldiers Summit: at the House of Representatives of the Italian Government the Family Homes Movement by Father Berton and Roberto Ravera
At the House of Representatives of the Italian Government a SUMMIT about child soldiers issue (November 28th 2013, 4 – 6 pm, Rome, Italy).
The Family Homes Movement / Mother Child Center Ravera founded by Father Giuseppe Berton and Dr. Roberto Ravera are special guests of the event.
Related to the issue, watch the documentary LIFE DOES NOT LOSE ITS VALUE, focused on REHABILITATION of former child soldiers 10 YEARS AFTER THE WAR ENDING, the very last documented evidence of Father Giuseppe Berton and his extraordinary education model.
Here’s the trailer of Life Does Not Lose Its Value https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NVhqZqTJMk
In OUr OWn WAy, screening in Palermo (Italy), October 25th 2013
Directly from India to Palermo! On Friday October 25th, public screening of the documentary In Our Own Way inside the Church of San Giovanni Decollato, at S.Giovanni Decollato Plaza (close to the Police Station of Palermo). Starting at 08.45 pm, free entrance. The Director will be present.
Bluindaco at Italian Doc Screening 2013
Bluindaco as a delegate at Italian Doc Screening 2013 (Palermo, October 23th – 26th) – Four days of meeting, discussions, round tables where more than 85 broadcasters, coming from 24 different Countries, will be present, together with International Distributors of Documentaries.
At Mumbai Film Festival – Bluindaco meets the Buyers
Let’s play the game! Bluindaco Productions meets the Buyers at Mumbai Film Festival , special section Mumbai Film Mart (18 – 20 October 2013) — at Taj Hotel President, Mumbai
At Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival, closing ceremony, the winners
The documentary IN OUR OWN WAY received a SPECIAL MENTION AWARD at Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival (Mumbai, 8th – 14th October 2013).
For this achievement I want to thanks most the courageous women protagonists of the documentary that shared their deep and intimate emotions in front of the videocamera, i.e. Veneranda Greco, Graziella Alboresi, Prabhaben Parikh, Cate Giustolisi, Vrinda Dar
Mumbai Mirror, Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival, In Our Own Way
On the Mumbai Mirror an article about Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival. There’s a special mention for 4 screenings, and one of these is IN OUR OWN WAY, The Power of Women’s Love, documentary, 71′, by Wilma Massucco.
The screening on October 11th, at 06.55 pm, KULRAJ BROADWAY,THE DREAMS MALL, BHANDUP (WEST) SCREEN 5 – Come and see the documentary together with us!
PARADISE FOUNDry at the UDI Convention, Modena
The Documentary PARADISE FOUNDry screened at the event WOMEN, BODY, WORK, RELATIONSHIP promoted by UDI – union of Women in Italy – Sala di Rappresentanza del Comune di Modena, Piazza Grande, September 27th (Modena, Italy)
IN OUR OWN WAY the documentary, official selection of Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival
The documentary IN OUR OWN WAY, The Power of Women’s Love Officail Selection of Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival
In Our Own Way / A MO(N)DO NOSTRO screening in the USA – Skyline Indie Film Festival
In Our Own Way, The Power of Women’s Love https://skylineindiefilmfest.org/videos/films/in-our-own-way/ Screening in the USA, at the Glaize Theater, Shenandoah University Campus, Winchester, Virginia – September 14th 2013, 4 p.m.
A MO(N)DO NOSTRO in competition at Sciacca Film Festival 2013
In Our Own Way / A Mo(n)do nostro, La Forza delle Donne quando Amano Official selection di Sciacca Film Festival 2013. Screening in Italy, Badia grande, Sala degli Archi, september 9th at 8 p.m., Sciacca (Ag).
La vita non perde valore is now on Wikipedia
The Documentary La vita non perde valore (Life does not lose its value) has just been credited with an official page to Wikipedia, the biggest free Encyclopedia in the world!
Debate with Father Berton in Modena (Italy)
DEBATE on the Documentary LIFE DOES NOT LOSE ITS VALUE partecipated by Father Giuseppe Berton and the phsycologist Roberto Ravera (Nov 9th 2012, Teatro Tempio, Modena, Italy)
Nostro Tempo magazine – The issues of Life does not lose its value
Nostro Tempo, Wilma Massucco interviewed by Luca Barbari about the issues and finalities of the Documentary La vita non perde valore – N. 39/2012, p.20, Culture Section
The schoking documentary
CulturaEculture.it , the schocking documentary on former child soldiers
“Job Phenomena” -Wilma Massucco indipendent filmmaker, by Monica Piccini (Glamour, N. 247, September 2012)
Wilma Massucco talks with the former child soldiers of Sierra Leone -by Claudia Bertanza
FRED, Film Radio Entertainment and Dialogue, The Festival Insider
From Lampedusa in Festival, Interview with Wilma Massucco, La vita non perde valore, ITA
Webdiocesi Chiesa Cattolica – The documentary by Wilma Massucco
The arduous recovery of former child soldiers and of an entire generation
Sciacca Film Festival 2012
Life does not lose its value in the section Documentaries out of competition, with the patronage of L’AltraSciacca (Sicily, Italy)
The credits of Bluindaco Productions on Cinema Italiano.info
Bluindaco Productions now on the website of Cinema Italiano!
Recovery of former child soldiers: the Documentary by Wilma Massucco at Lampedusa Film Festival 2012
In the isle of Lampedusa (Italy), for the IV edition of LAMPEDUSA Film FESTIVAL, the Documentary “Life does not lose its value” will be introduced and shown, out of competition, at the presence of the author (July 22nd, 9 pm, Piazza Castello). For more information https://www.lampedusainfestival.com/programma.html#.T_lwZlJfvIU
Italian Foreign Affair Ministry , Cooperation for Development – Film about former child soldiers
A Documentary film about the use of children in war conflicts, a phenomenon still diffused in many Countries, and about the activity of social reintegration promoted by a Missionary. The Italian Cooperation itself is leading, in Africa, a dedicated project in order to give support to children in particular needs.
Voci dal Branco, School and Society – Life does not lose its value
The Magazine of the Secondary School of Modena (Italy) publishes the reviews about Life does not lose its value written by some students of Liceo Wiligelmo.
Mondadori Sanremo (Italy) gives its support to the Dvd “Life does not lose its value”
Mondadori bookshop of Sanremo declines any income derived by the selling of the Dvd “Life does not lose its value”, in order to support the initiative promoted by FHM Italia.
Missionline – Pime (Institute of Papal Foreign Missions) – A hope after the tragedy
Father Giuseppe Berton, an Italian Missionary of the Xaverian Order, helps the African former child soldiers to come back to a common life. The stories of his guys now are a Film.
Literary Microfestival of Alessandria (Italy) – case history
The Documentary Film Life does not lose its value has been analyzed as a Case History.
Nigrizia.it – Former child soldiers
In which way do the former child soldiers live their reintegration into family and social life? How did they overcome – if they managed – the effects derived from such brutal psychological and physical traumas?
Popoli e Missione, rivista della CEI, Comitato Episcopale Italiano (Pontificie Opere Missionarie) – La vita non perde valore
The stories of the former child soldiers reintegrated by Father Giuseppe Berton , ten years after the Sierra Leone Civil War ending.
MissioItalia – Life does not lose its value – A Documentary about Father Giuseppe Berton and the former child soldiers of Sierra Leone
20% of the income will be donated to Family Homes Movement, Italy www.fhmitalia.it