Bluindaco Productions
Bluindaco Productions, located in Modena (Italy), mainly focused on the production of Documentaries and Audio Visual products with cultural and social value, where it is predominant the interview technique. We pay most attention to critical analysis, in the backstage of events, through interviews to meaningful people (speakers, exhibitors, event participants, media, street people, etc.). It follows our products are not only simple “reports”, but rather in-depth videos, where images and interviews alternate in such a way to highlight and properly analyze different points of view. We can realize the full service, from concept to design audio video filming, photographs, editing and packaging in DVD format (including SIAE stickers). We can also promote the product on the web (google, youtube, websites dedicated), or assist in the development of your website.
Wilma Massucco
After working for 15 years in Companies as Chemical Engineer, Wilma Massucco is now a teacher of Chemistry in Secondary High Schools.
She is also a freelancer and filmmaker, founder of Bluindaco Productions, mainly focused on the production of Documentaries and Audio Visual products with cultural and social value, where it is predominant the interview technique.
She directed and produced the following documentaries:
IN OUR OWN WAY, The Power of Women’s Love , original title A MO(N)DO NOSTRO, la Forza delle Donne Quando Amano, ITA/ENG 71’ – Bluindaco Productions © 2013. Special Mention Award at Mumbai Women’s International Film Festival 2013 (Bombay, India) and official selection of Sciacca Film Festival 2013 (Sciacca, Ag, Italy) and Skyline Indie Film Fest 2013 (Winchester, Virginia, USA).
LA VITA NON PERDE VALORE, Father Berton and the former child soldiers of Sierra Leone , ITA/ENG 53’, Bluindaco Productions © 2012. Upgraded on Wikipedia – La vita non perde valore and official selection of Sciacca Film Festival 2012 and Lampedusa in Festival 2012. Used as an educational training at school and in prison and analyzed in a thesis at University of Florence, Conflict mediation course.
Youtube Channel of Wilma Massucco – Videos, Interviews, Trailers
Wilma cooperated with Armadilla, NGO leading of EUGAD, an International Cooperation project to which she contributed with Interviews, Articles, collection of Good practices; she’s also one of the editors of the Eugad Manuals for Opinion Leaders. She took part, as member of Eugad, together with the National television RAI TG1 Team, to the production of Documentaries in Sierra Leone .
Publications on Italian National Newspapers and Magazines, i.e. La Stampa, Il Manifesto, Terra, Buddismo & Società, Nuovo Rinascimento, Azione Non Violenta, Scienza e Pace.
Other information
Travelling in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Perù, Egypt, Namibia, USA, Cina, Sierra Leone, she realized many journalistic reportage, such as about “Conflict mediation in Indian tribal areas” (Rangpur, Gujarat, India, 2007), “Paralympic games in Pechino” (Pechino, 2008), “World Water Forum and Counterforum” (Istanbul, 2009).
She got a Master in Marketing Communication (ISTIC, Milan); she’s Conflict Mediator for Social and Intercultural Conflicts (University of Florence); she attended a course for Management of Media Social Network (Alta formazione, MO) and a course of Video journalism (Fuori.Tv, MO).
Location of Operations and Activities: mainly Modena, Italy
email: – contact her on facebook